Showing 1-2 of 2 results
ICTSS00095-Fibre Splicer Skill Set
ICTSS00095-Fibre Splicer Skill Set This skill set addresses the skills and knowledge required to splice telecommunications fibre. This course is suitable for telecommunication workers who are looking skills and knowledge to Perform handling, cleaning, splicing and terminating of fibre telecommunications cables installed in underground pipes, trenches and overhead systems. It…
Aerial Cabling Endorsement
Aerial Cabling Endorsement This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to install aerial cable supports in domestic, commercial or industrial communications applications, including digital and analog, telephony, data, video, digital broadcasting, master antenna television(MATV), cable television (CATV), closed-circuit television (CCTV),long-term evolution (LTE) computer networks, local area networks (LANs), wide…