ACT Funded Training | Government Subsidised Training

ACT Funding

MILCOM is an approved ACTFA and eligible to access funds to deliver government subsidised training. Contact us on 1300369320 or Email us on [email protected] to find out more information.

The ACT qualifications Register lists available funding amounts for RTOs accessing User Choice funding to deliver Australian Apprenticeships qualifications in the ACT.

Other incentives

ACT Government

Under the Payroll Tax Act 1987, a Payroll Tax exemption is the only incentive for apprentices offered in the ACT for wages paid or payable. Details on all Payroll Tax exemptions can be found on the ACT Revenue Office

Additional funding to support training is available through the Skills Canberra branch of the ACT Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate for Australian Apprentices who may have learning difficulties. It is also available to support students who may require additional support in areas such as literacy and numeracy, sign language interpreter services, or mentoring. RTOs can apply in writing to Skills Canberra for funding for such services and applications will be considered on the individual merits of each case. Information is available in the Skills Canberra

Interstate Training Assistance

Some Travel and Accommodation assistance is available to apprentices who travel interstate for training. Please note interstate training only applies when there is no RTO delivering the relevant training in the ACT. For further information, visit the Becoming an Apprentice or Trainee webpage or contact Skills Canberra on (02) 6205 8555 or email [email protected]..

Building and Construction Industry Training Fund

The ACT Building and Construction Industry Training Fund Authority collect a training levy on building and construction work undertaken in the ACT. Monies collected are used to:

To find out more about available incentives in relevant building and construction trades contact the ACT Building and Construction Industry Training Fund Authority on (02) 6262 5630..

Find more information about tuition fees under ACT funding here:

Milcom Student Fee Table for ACT Funding To see whether you may be eligible for ACT funding, call us on 1300369320 or Email us on [email protected]. The final decision about your eligibility for ACT funding will be made by MILCOM through your application for enrolment process and on the basis of the documentation you provide to prove your eligibility. For more information please visit Skills Canberra FAQ

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