How to Become a Registered, Qualified Cabler in Australia

Cablers test and locate cable faults and carry out any necessary maintenance or repair work on these systems. In a lot of cases, they’re also responsible for installation of new wires. As the NBN continues its rollout, there remains a high demand for licensed cablers across the industry. In the future, as the infrastructure grows and develops, is upgraded and replaced, cablers will continue to be sought after.

There are several pathways to a career as a cabler

To become a cabler, you have a few options depending on your circumstances and experience.


The first and most common route is by gaining the required units of competencies. Telecommunications cabling is work that requires precise training and to become a registered professional; you need to have an open cabling license. You can do this via a registered training organisation (RTO) such as Milcom.


The requirements for courses at different RTOs may differ – As you will be dealing with different colour wired, candidates with colour blindness are not suitable for the course . Your RTO – such as Milcom – will be able to help you decide the best way to get the competencies you need.


The second path to gaining accreditation and being able to work as a cabler legally is by demonstrating your experience and expertise. If you have worked in the industry, you may be eligible for RPL.

Every cabler in Australia must register with an ACMA-accredited registrar

It is essential to be registered. The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) maintains strict quality control regarding who can be registered as cabler to ensure the safety of workers and the public. ACMA-accredited registrars help ensure that work across the entire NBN is completed to the same standard and specifications, without short cuts.


Additionally, it is a criminal offence for an unregistered cabler to work unsupervised. If you do any cabling while unregistered, you can face fines for the work completed.


Gaining registration is simple, however. All you need to do is to undertake relevant training from a registered training organisation (RTO) and complete 360 hours of practical cabling work. For specialised cabling projects, you may need further training.

Become a cabler with Milcom

If you want to start your journey towards a future within the NBN and/or telecommunications, Milcom is the RTO that can help get you there. We offer a practical, hands-on approach that will make sure you have all the skills you need to build a career in the industry.
